
Mohan Sangha, pre-eminent global expert in metrology, celebrates 55 years of pioneering work in precision bore gauging, (and shows no signs of slowing down.)

Mohan Sangha, a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, has celebrated a milestone achievement by becoming the most influential, pioneering and sought after metrology engineers in the world.

Having started his career as Chief Design Engineer at Bowers Internal Gauge (where he invented the 3 point bore gauge in collaboration with Eric Bowers) Mohan moved on to working with the mighty Japanese firm Mitutoyo, where he headed specially commissioned bore gauging projects.

During his time working with Mitutoyo, Mohan was approached by Martin Weeks (Managing Director at Mitutoyo) and David Wilkinson (Chief Executive at Mitutoyo) (who are pictured above at a celebratory dinner to honour Mohan) to develop the unique Hardmatic Portable Hardness Tester that utilised the first ever application of a synthetic diamond tip commissioned for this purpose from De Beers International.

Not one to retire, Mohan Sangha continues to be a powerhouse of leadership in metrology as he tackles interesting and unusual metrology problems brought to him from across the globe and within multiple industries.

In recent years Mohan Sangha has focused on bore gauges used in aerospace, defense and medicine where the biggest innovations in metrology begin.

Mohan is supported by a team of engineers and technicians at his state of the art factories in India and England, and is involved heavily in the training and development of the next generation of leading metrology engineers and bore gauging experts.

For project referrals, advice and consultancy on metrology bore gauging please contact team@sanghametrology.com.

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