
Sangha Metrology Celebrates 30 Years of Measuring Excellence

From humble beginnings in a garage in the North of England, Sangha Metrology celebrated it’s 30th anniversary in style at their 100,000 square foot manufacturing facility in South East Asia. Managing Director Mohan Sangha (who was recently elected to the Fellowship of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers) started the company following an illustrious 28 year career as Chief Design Engineer at Bowers Metrology. An internationally respected and eminent Metrologist, Mohan has worked with the world’s leading companies to develop precision measuring systems that enable industry to build excellence into their production processes and amplify manufacturing efficiency.
The world leader in state of the art internal diameter measuring instruments, Sangha Metrology has served the measurement requirements for multiple sectors including aerospace, defence and medicine. Sangha Metrology was honoured to have been commissioned to develop a turn key specialist measuring system for a major Atomic Energy plant, whose aims are to develop clean energy that does not cause pollution.
Sangha Metrology takes it’s social responsibility seriously and seeks to avoid the use of plastic packaging and instead use sustainable wood where possible. A strong proponent of equality of opportunity in the workforce, Sangha Metrology has taken the bold move to invest heavily in the development and empowerment of disadvantaged people, especially women from deprived backgrounds who are interested in a career in engineering.
With a 30 year track record behind them, Sangha Metrology is a company on the move and has great plans for the next 30 years. Not only will Sangha Metrology continue to develop excellence in measurement solutions for global industry, but will also continue to be a kind and responsible employer, and to show consideration for the planet.

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